Amplifier integrated/DAC + bookshelf loudspeakers NuForce DDA-100 + Amphion Ion+ Price (in Poland): 1950 zł (DDA-100) + 4390 zł (Ion+/2 pcs) Manufacturers: Amphion Loudspeakers Ltd. | info@amphion.fi Country of origin: Finland NuForce Inc. | support@nuforce.com Country of origin: USA Text: Wojciech Pacuła Photos: Bartosz Łuczak/Piksel Studio | Amphion | NuForce | Grzegorz Ziemiański/www.fotohuta.pl dla KBF Translation: Marek Dyba |

Published: 6. May 2013, No. 109 |
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From a recording studio to a desktop audio system – that's a short story of Amphion Ion+ speakers. It might seem that these are two different worlds, right? But lets think about it again – what really is a modern recording studio? – that's a computer based system with advanced editing tools and multi-track recording capability. And music is recorded on a hard drive, not tape anymore! Nowadays there almost none recording studios using other techniques. Ion+, driven with amplifier integrated/DAC NuForce DDA-100, regardless if used in recording/mastering studio, or in a desktop audio system, are always the same things: near-field monitors. ![]() SOUND Recordings used during test (a selection)
![]() The method called „deconstruction” has lost its value recently, even worse – the misuse of it often lead to results that made almost no sense at all. And that is such a shame, as this is one of the most interesting methods of texts analysis. Not the only one, not even the conclusive one, but simply interesting and helpful in many cases. It is not easy to define „deconstruction” - in simple words what one needs to do is to take some text (or concept), take a really close look at it, and than try to lay it out, to study and redefine each of its components. When one arrives at a collection of small definitions of all components, one has to put it all back together. After such a process one arrives at exactly the same text (or concept), but now bearing different meaning, usually a deeper one, and open to other, often equivalent interpretations. This helps one to form more than just one simple, one-dimensional opinion, or understanding of particular text (or concept). Claudio Cavina is often called „the new Orpheus”, which is a form of accolade for his achievements in the field of presenting the original creations of Monteverdi. The way of singing „historically conscious”, i.e. without vibrato, period instruments, period ensemble and staging – all these elements were honed by Italian conductor and musician. The third concert of Misteria Paschalia 2013 festival, a concert from Claudio Monteverdi's L’Orfeo, performed by Ensemble La Venexiana conducted by Claudio Cavina was a perfect example, a proof that the above mentioned claim was absolutely true. Beautifully conducted, wonderfully sang and played, not too serious, but with proper drama, and not characterized by empty virtuosity – I'm really glad I could attend this performance and experience it. So let's forget this „high-end” tag that appears each time you see Ion+. Let try to create our own definition, description for this system with Amphion speakers and NuForce amplifier being the heart of this setup. ![]() Phase coherence of both, amplifier, that has been optimized towards that goal, and of speakers, that were designed first of all to achieve that goal, doesn't 'make' a good sound by itself. In this particular case though it helps to better understand music. Everything gets to our ears at the same time, with all the sounds joined by the whole network of connections, interactions that all together create so much more than just a simple set of sounds, as they build up MUSIC. And it is done in a different way that we are used to as the fantastic resolution helps to discover not just details and nuances, but the internal connections and interactions between single sounds, even the tiniest ones. It is why the sound is so rich and harmonics are so natural, so important part of basic sound. They build something „under” the sound, something that creates impression that it is something more than just reproduction, something real, something natural. |
Because if that's how we defined high-end it would mean that it is totally depend on the listener, on how experienced and how sensible he is. Probably most of us remember our 'first time' with high quality audio system. That is usually something unforgettable, something we remember as knocking on heavens door or even being in audiophile's heaven. But was this first experience really delivered by some super-high-end system? In most cases – no. Usually it's not really some very expensive, top-high-end system, but rather something relatively inexpensive but really nicely put together. I'd go even further and say that most of those systems had nothing to do with true high-end. High-end must interact with our emotions, that's true, but it has to offer also objectively great performance. Only when these two elements combine together there is a true high-end sound without any 'buts'. When I looked at the reviewed system using that definition I could hardly call it a high-end one. Especially that it showed its limitations from the very beginning. ![]() Wait a moment: the „objectively great performance” is also hard to quantify, there is no particular moment/level when it starts. It depends on so many factors. One of them, maybe even the key one, being intended use of particular product. How could you compare high-end headphones with high-end loudspeakers? Both are supposed to do exactly the same job, right? But nobody would ever try to compare them directly, to make them compete. Summary If you just read what Srajan wrote about Ion+, which was: „phenomenal – show-me-the-money – high-end” and that, without proper analysis, without some sort of preparation you'd go for an audition you could start to wonder what the hell was wrong with that guy. As this sentence taken out of context, and not thoroughly processed is simply not true. There is no high-end without proper imaging, without presentation of proper proportions and relations between instruments, and without delivering proper volume of each instrument. There is no high-end without full range sound – if you can't, for example, hear really well a double bass, or a lower notes of a piano. But for me the audition of Amphion Ion+ speakers and a perfect amplification for them, the NuForce DDA-100, was an interesting and informative experience. If you use this system the way it was intended to, sitting close to the speakers and playing them not too loud, you should be able to fully appreciate it and to say afterwords that it is a true high-end system. I've never heard any system, regardless the price, that would be so good for near-field listening. There was one – with the active Ancient Audio Studio Oslo speakers that delivered somehow similar experience, with even better coherence and bit more extension in the bass, but on the other hand it wasn't so transparent as this one, and it introduced bit more of its own signature to the sound. The resolution of an Amphion/NuForce system is simply amazing and unrivaled. And when you sit close to the speakers you stop noticing their limitations like not so good bass extension, for example. A bass itself doesn't really matter that much, it's the midrange that carries most music. Although truth to be said, if you want a proper midrange it has to be 'backed up' by at least some lower end. Amphion speakers can't offer much in lower area but their sound is so rich with upper harmonics that you don't really notice that something is missing at the bottom. For example when I listened to the piece opening Tori Amos Horses I could perfectly hear piano's pedals working – that is something that usually gets lost in the mix even when played with some really big speakers. I could perfectly hear tape hiss and ambiance caught on the recording. Again – these things separately don't really matter. But when they are elements of a bigger whole, they makes this whole, a sound in this case, better, more real. That's how I perceived this system – real sounding. Does that make make it a high-end one? Well, I think it DOES. TESTING METHODOLOGY Amphion and NuForce have been joining their efforts and presenting their products together for the last 3 years. Now, I finally know why – it seems that both companies have the same goal. It's about using phase coherence, resolution, and internal harmony to build a true sound. The reviewed system is truly inexpensive. But still it can be called a high-end one, as long as you remember that it needs to be used for near-field listening. DESIGN NuForce DDA-100 The integrated amplifier/DAC made by American company NuForce belongs to the category of products called „Power DACs”. It is a digital amplifier, that can receive a digital signals from sources – the D/A conversion is done at the very end of signal's path, in an output filter. Many people consider all D-class amplifiers to be 'digital' ones, which is often wrong, but in this case it is true. Specifications (according to manufacturer) ![]() Amphion Ion+ Ion+ is a new version of older model called Ion, but in fact there are only two common elements: enclosure and tweeter's diaphragm material. It is a two-way, back vented bookshelf speaker that measures 268 x 134 x 220 mm. It sports a 25mm titanium tweeter with neodymium magnet, that is manufactured in France and was designed in fact for the professional series of Amphion speakers, intended for usage in recording studios, that is introduced to the market right about now. The 120mm, aluminum mid- lowrange driver is made by SEAS company, according to a specification delivered by Amphion's engineer, Mr Corrado Faccione. This driver sports a solid, rigid, casted basket and a permanent phase plug. The writing on it says: L12RCY/KP-AMP.
Both drives are phase coherent. In front of the tweeter there is something like a horn, or waveguide which is a part of Amphion's proprietary solution called Uniformly Directive Diffusion. UDD helps to control sound wave dispersion and thus to minimize distortions. The acoustic centers of both drivers lay in the same distance from a listener. Both drivers sport colorful grids that protect them from damage The crossover point is placed at 1600 Hz. Crossover in mounted on a PCB that is bolted directly to speaker posts. It is also very simple – there is a large low resistance air coil, a polypropylene capacitor with Amphion logo on it, an electrolytic capacitor and two grounding resistors. Drivers are connected with quite thin multistrand wires. The inside of the cabinet is slightly damped with some foam on side walls and on the bottom. Technical specifications (according to the manufacturer) |
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